During a brainstorm for a brief we had received from Bwin, we came upon a great idea. Guess who the footballer is, based on their transfer history displayed via google maps. Although rejected by the client, we felt the opportunity was too good to miss and decided to build it internally ourselves.

The beauty of any agency self promotion work, is the complete freedom you have as a designer. This, coupled with being an avid football fan myself, made this one of the most enjoyable projects I have worked on.

I first created the branding for the piece, designing a logo which complemented both the travel and football nature of the concept. I then started to flesh out the user journey, trying to keep things as simple and quick as possible. Once I was confident that we had something which could be easily understood and played I worked up final designs.

With it being an opportunity to showcase the agencies talent, it was important that we ensured the details were right with memorable UI flourishes and interactions which gave the site a sense of energy and craftsmanship. In order to ensure these details which I envisaged were carried through to the final piece, I created quick videos in After Effects showing rollover states and page transitions. Passing on videos to front end developers in this way is something I often do, as not only does it make life easier for developers, it also helps create that shared vision with the wider team and even clients.

Screenshot of work
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Screenshot of work
Screenshot of work
Screenshot of work
Screenshot of work